Thomas Hammer was and still is instructor in many areas of instruction.
Qualifications, instruction experience and options you can draw from this:
- Diploma of the State-run College of Music and Performing Arts Mannheim;
- 1. State examination College of Education Karlsruhe; Main subject: Music,
- 2. State examination Seminar Mannheim/Gerhart Hauptmann school
Instruction experience
Workshops the areas
- Teamwork in Music (Further education for companies, Motivation- and Teamteaching)
- Ensemble-teaching Latin Music i.e. College of music Mainz
- Ensemble-teaching Salsa for i.e. College of music Mainz, Mannheim, ect.
- Group courses for Percussion i.e. for diverse State Music Associations ect.
Instructional activities
Individual and group courses at the following music schools
- School of Modern Instruments Karlsruhe, Palatine Music School (PfälzischeMusikschule), Community Music School Freinsheim (Städtische Musikschule Freinsheim). Music school Rauenberg (Musikschule Rauenberg)
- Private tuition
- 2 years of practical tuition at the Primary / Secondary school Mannheim (Grund-/Hauptschule Gerhart Hauptmann school)